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One Year after WTO Accession         

China's performance wins world recognition after 1 year in WTO

Exactly one year ago, China was officially signed into the World Trade Organization, realizing the country's dream of entering the trade body. A year later, China has won wide recognition for its performance and efforts in its first year in the body.

At the WTO's General Council meeting on Tuesday, the US ambassador Linnet Deily welcomed the time and effort China had put in to implement its commitments. She said the reports China submitted to the General Council were helpful in understanding China.

The WTO will carry out an annual review for eight years in fields such as intellectual property rights, agriculture, and market accession. Carlo Trojan, the European Union's ambassador, praised China for educating its population and business community about the WTO. He said that if all members made the same efforts, the WTO would become more popular.

The Chinese ambassador to the WTO Sun Zhenyu told the meeting that more and more people in China were getting familiar with the WTO. He said the increase in China's trade and the foreign investment in China last year showed people were positive.

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