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One Year after WTO Accession         

WTO General Council "satisfied" with China's 1st year

After completing a far-ranging review process, officials from the WTO General Council say they are satisfied with the improvements China has made to its trading standards during its first year as a WTO member.

The General Council is the leading body of the WTO. Before its examination of China's WTO commitments, 16 special committees were presented with reports, saying China has kept its word in lowering barriers to international market admittance.

Li Enheng, China's Counselor to WTO says that the WTO General Council has given high praise to China's efforts in the past year, while some member nations have offered several instructive advice.

During the WTO assessment, China's officials were given the opportunity to listen to their counterparts from different parts of the world. This, the officials say, will help China's reform program.

According to agreements, this is the first appraisal during the transitional period following China's entry into the WTO. Over the next nine years, China will receive further eight reviews.

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